Student Opportunities

Alicia Cavanaugh, "Injustice in the American city: Income and environmental inequality in the urban landscape." PhD Geog. (2013-19).

Niall Harney, "A comparative analysis of changing middle class dynamics across Canadian metropolitan areas, 1981-2016." MA Geog. (2018- ).

Megan Wylie, "Environmental injustice: How NOx emissions and inequality correlate across Canadian metropolitan areas." MA Geog. (2016-19).


Associate Professor

Graduate and Undergraduate (Honours) Students

Individuals interested in pursuing graduate studies under my supervision at McGill should contact me for more information about research and funding possibilities. Students should have a background in economics, regional development and/or urban/economic geography. Knowledge of statistical methods is also preferable.
Current students
Past students
Matthieu Bedard, "The geography of precarious employment in Canada." BA Geog. Honours (2014-15).

Sebastien Herman, "Heritage sites and their market value: A case study of Southern France." BA Geog. Honours (2016-17).

Marc Jacquemond, "A spatial analysis of precarious employment in France." BA Geog. Honours (2011-12).

Yannick Marchand, "Analyse spatiale des modeles d'inegalities: perspectives de la ruralite canadienne." MA Geog. (2014-17).

Andrew Pollock, "A relational analysis of the New Brunswick ICT Industry". BA Geog. Honours (2013-14).

Justin Stuart, "A cross-country analysis of the determinants of income inequality." MA Geog. (2010-12).

Brian Toy, "An examination of changing middle class dynamics in Canadian cities", BA Geog. Honours (2017-18).

John C. Wilkie, "The missing link: Intangible assets, contractual agreements and the transfer pricing puzzle." BA Geog. Honours (2011-12).