Table 2. National Scale Data 

P1 Arable land in country 4 4 6 Available cropland. Country reported statistics. Ranked against SSA countries. Jenks.
P3 Irrigated share of cropland 6 8 8 Percentage of total cropland which is equipped to provide water to crops: full and partial control irrigation, spate irrigation areas, and equipped wetland or inland valley bottoms. Jenks' rank among SSA countries. Data reported by countries.
P5 Tractors 2 2 4 Hectares of cropland per tractor. Data collection methods differ across countries, resulting in varying degrees of reliability. Some caution should be used in interpreting tractor use intensity figures, because no distinction is made between types of tractors in terms of size and horsepower. Jenks.
P6 Ginnery capacity 8 4 8 Ginnery capacity ranked against SSA countires. Jenks.
P9 Fertilizer use intensity 9 9 6 Amount of fertilizer(kg) per hectare of cropland. About 34% of the estimates for fertilizer consumption are unofficial and 1-2% come from FAO estimates. Jenks.
P10 Landlocked 13 5 1 Derived from Faye (2004). Additional point added for each border crossing to account for corruption.
P11 Energy price 9 12 3 Fuel prices as posted at filling stations in the respective capital cities were collected. The latter was done by way of a questionnaire circulated via the Internet (World Bank Indiacators 2004). Ranked against SSA countries. Jenks.
E1 External Cotton Price 0 0 0 External price of cotton used for running scenario models. There may be different access to prices across the region. Not factored.
E2 Domestic demand 15 15 15 Demand/Production (mt). Rank among all world countries. Jenks.
E3 Risk of public default 6.4 6.8 7.6 Credit Risk International, data not available. Values kept at CRI score.
E4 Equilibrium budgets and payments 2.9 2.6 2.8 Credit Risk International, data not available. Values kept at CRI score.
E5 Risk of inconvertibility and devaluation 5.8 5.7 5.9 Credit Risk International, data not available. Values kept at CRI score.
E6 Banking system health 7.4 7.6 8.4 Credit Risk International, data not available. Values kept at CRI score.
E7 Producer price 4 4 0 Rank of three countries' 5 year average producer cotton price/ export price. Due to high variance, F-value nonsignificant.
E8 Producer price trend 8 0 16 Rank of three countries' 5 year average producer cotton price slope.
E9 Producer price variance 8 0 16 Rank of the three countries' 5 year average for producer cotton price variance. Lowest score is least variant.
E10 Foreign direct investment 4 8 6 Foreign direct investment data do not give a complete picture of international investment in an economy.  For a detailed discussion of the data issues see the World Bank's World Debt Tables 1993-1994 (volume 1, chapter 3). Ranked against SSA countries. Jenks.
S3 Agricultural  researcher per thousand agricultural  workers 8 12 8 Ration of force to researchers. Ranked among available world data. Government agricultural researchers, excludes extensions workers and NGO.
S4 Human Development Index 20 20 20 2002 data. Jenks.
S5 Rule of Law Index 12 12 12 Scaled to fall in 5 categories. Composite index created from several hundred variables derived from 18 different data providers.
S6 Political Stability and Absence of Violence Index 20 20 10 Scaled to fall in 5 categories. Composite index created from several hundred variables derived from 18 different data providers.
S7 Corruption Index 14 13 14 Inverted scale and doubled.  Only 2005 considered, the CPI was not designed for making comparisons across years.
S8 Agricultural labor intensity 15 10 15 Agricultural workers per hectare 1993-2001. Ranked agianst SSA countries. Jenks.