Environmental Change
"More intense Hurricanes" "Its getting Hotter" "The coast lines are changing" "There are fewer butterflys"...What ever you call it, climate change, global warming, environmental change, land use change... changes are happening! Environmental change is a phenomenon occurring now and will likely intensify in the future. Despite scientific evidence there is still a lot of misunderstanding and denial that environmental change is taking place. Lets try to think of new ways of expressing environmental changes taking place by asking those who are feeling the effects.
Latest News:
I am now back in Montreal documenting everything that happened at the Geoweb sessions in Barbados. Feel free to contact me.

Small Island States are the first to feel the effects of global environmental change. Politically Barbados is calling attention to Small Island States on an international level to inform the world about their vulnerability to climate and environmental change. For this study, Bajans are invited to share their climate change observations and concerns here. You do not need to be a scientist to report the changes in your own back yard.
I am interested in exploring the possibility of communicating environmental change in Barbados using the Geoweb. Examples of the Geoweb include Google Earth, Google Maps, MapQuest, and other online interactive maps.
What you can do...
1.Explore the map and view changes noted by others
2.Contribute your ideas to the map by first contacting Britta.
3. Read more about Environmental Changes via the links provided.
Thank you for visiting this site! Learn more about my research and how you can contribute to the geoweb...visit the read page.